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PUYFU - Nov 4, 2018 - Alexanne Speaking1

Change Your Body Language...

Change Your Thinking...

Transform Your Life!

Discover the Hidden Power of

What You Say and What You Don't!

Alexanne Stone

Speaker - Author - Coach - Body Language Expert
NLP Trainer Since 1991

NLP and Body Language

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) - Have you ever noticed that you repeat the same behaviors over and over again and cannot figure out why you continue to do that? NLP looks at the PROCESS (not the content) by which you continue behavior, thoughts, decisions, and opinions. You can rewire the most traumatic events without ever having to relive the events, tell the story, or reawaken and reinforce the connected negative emotions. Connect with Alexanne to find out more about how you can STOP RELIVING IN PAIN!

Body Language -  The process of communicating non-verbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements.
Image by Razvan Chisu


Your Passion


Decades of experience as a sales and NLP Trainer, and Body Language Expert.

Thousands of lives changed. Undeniable results.

Champions of Confidence
Coaching Program

Have you ever wondered why you do what you do and what's driving you forward? If you're not happy with your life, it could be decisions you've made at an unconscious level. You can uncover and REWIRE the decisions you made as a child, in a previous lifetime, or that you carry through your ancestral line. In these remarkable, one-on-one sessions (Zoom for distance sessions), you discover the freedom of releasing negative emotions, trauma, and phobias quickly and without having to talk about events in detail.


And that's only the beginning! In this 3-month group coaching program, you discover the tools to help you be solid in who you are and how you're acting - now and in the future.


Through the proven confidence-building strategies of this coaching program, you walk away stronger, more powerful, and more confident in your professional life. The biggest surprise is how empowered you become in all situations - including your personal life!

Verbal and Non-Verbal
Language &
Body Language Training

Are you delivering a message through your facial expressions and body language that says something different than the words you're using? Are you doubting what your intuition may be telling you about a person or situation and not know why?


Body language accounts for over half of all communication. Your actual words and tone account for the rest. Learn the non-verbal keys that build trustworthy, confident relationships.


I help people like you, managers, team leaders, entrepreneurs, and senior executives become better communicators. When you understand both verbal and non-verbal language, you build stronger relationships, become a better leader, and get solid results!


Communicate confidently in sales, business, and all your relationships.

Kick-Ass Networking

People share with me all the time,

"I know that building relationships is the most important part of any sale. I also know that I'm a bit unsure how to go about networking after these past two years. I don't want to let clients and income slip through the cracks because I'm too nervous to get out in public and meet people again."


Building relationships is even easier now as people want to get out and be together. When you come from a place of service and giving, you open the doorway to create powerful relationships. When you have the tools to know how you come across and to be able to read others accurately, you open more than just a become the catalyst to influence an outcome of trust and authentic communication.


Here's to Kicking Ass when you network! I promise you, it will be an investment that will pay for itself over and over again!

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"I am such an advocate of NLP now. This is such a great tool to use to help people build a great foundation. I felt like life was walking over me and now I'm walking through life. I did the work, but you were the guide on the helped me get there. You changed my literally saved my life!"

"I had an incredible fear of flying...a white knuckle, I'm crying, making a stupid ass out of myself in the plane. Freaking out, I have to take prescription drugs to calm myself down. We addressed the fear of flying. I took a flight to Washington, D.C., I had no nerves beforehand. I actually enjoyed the flight. I even slept on the airplane for the first time in my entire life! I have been cured of my fear of flying. It was one session! It's awesome!" 

Contact Alexanne
Talking on phones

(775) 391-2231
Reno, Nevada
Available Internationally via Zoom

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© 2020 by Alexanne Stone  (775) 391-2231

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